- Repetitive tests that run for multiple builds.
- Tests that require multiple data sets. E.g. All Data Driven Test scenarios
- Tests that run on several different hardware or software platforms and configurations. E.g. Browser compatibility
- Frequently used functionality that introduces high risk conditions.
- Tests that is impossible to perform manually.
- Tests that tend to cause human error.
- Tests that take a lot of effort and time when manual testing.
First, we should define our project testing goal for automated testing and determine which types of tests to automate. Currently we are employing nuemorous types of testing in navantis test practice , and each has its place in the our organization process.
For instance,
Unit Testing : Is use to test a small part of the intended application.
Load Testing : Is performe when we need to know how a web service responds under a heavy workload.
GUI Testing: Is use to test a certain piece of the application’s UI
Hope the above points will help you make a decision whether to use test automation on future Navantis projects. Whether you are beginning to think of exploring test automation or already have an automation suite in place and are considering expansion, it always helps to continue to evaluate how our test automation will help accomplish our testing goals. By choosing carefully those things that we will automate, and building with maintainability in mind, definitly we will obtain the most out of our test automation effort in our future projects.
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